About Madison County Career Tech Center
Welcome to MCCTC
Welcome to Madison County Career Technical Center webpage! On behalf of the faculty and staff of MCCTC, we are excited to be surrounded by the infinite potential of Alabama’s future workforce, better known as our students! High school is an exciting time and we are thrilled that students have chosen to further deepen their options by pursuing a career in one of the fields of career technical education.
A student at MCCTC may look forward to many highly rewarding and diverse educational experiences. We have a strong tradition of preparing our students to be college and career ready and helping them explore new fields of interest, while fostering the many outstanding abilities and creative talents of students. Our programs provide the opportunity for students to benefit from rigorous performance-based classes. Each of our programs allow students to develop special talents and marketable skills. Our Career Technical Student Organizations afford students the opportunities to participate in competitions in personal, workplace, and technical areas, all in preparation for “competing in a global economy”.
Although we require students to work hard and participate as employees in a simulated workplace environment, opportunities exist for students to participate in extracurricular activities including archery, service to the community, and industry insights. These experiences promote habits for a healthy lifestyle, the creation of new friendships, the development of leadership skills, and new and interesting perspectives on life.
It is critical that as a student at MCCTC, you approach your participation in class as an employee; demonstrating your talents and skills as you prepare to pursue your post-secondary college and career goals.
“Arming students with skills to compete in a global economy”