Hospitality, Travel & Tourism Academy
What is Hospitality
The hospitality industry is much broader than most other industries. The majority of business niches are composed of only a handful of different businesses, but this industry applies to nearly any company that is focused on customer satisfaction and meeting leisurely needs rather than basic ones. While this industry is very broad, there are some defining aspects that are important to understand.
Defining Aspects
One of the most defining aspects of this industry is that it focuses on customer satisfaction. While this is true of nearly every business, this industry relies entirely on customers’ being happy. This is because these businesses are based on providing luxury services. Very few hospitality businesses provide a basic service that people need, like food or clothing.
Another defining aspect of this industry is its reliance on disposable income and leisure time. For this reason, the majority of these businesses are for tourists or rich patrons. If disposable income decreases due to a slump or recession, then these are often the first businesses to suffer because customers won’t have the extra money to enjoy their services.
Different Businesses
Most people think that hotels alone belong to the hospitality industry, but the hotels are only one sector of this industry. Many forms of transportation that cater to tourists are also part of this business world. For example, this niche includes airlines, cruise ships and even fancier trains. Restaurants, general tourism and event planning also belong to this niche.
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Culinary Arts 1
- Event Planning
- Travel and Tourism 1
- Entrepreneurship in FACS
- Culinary Arts 2
- Baking and Pastry Arts
- Travel and Tourism 2
Career Technical Student Organizations
Career Technical Student Organizations are a critical component of all career technical education programs. Hospitality students will be afforded the opportunity to join local, state, and national FCCLA.
The mission of FCCLA is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.
Students who join FCCLA will have the opportunity to participate in various competitive events at local, state, and national levels, as well as, participate in leadership development conferences, and service learning projects.
Contact Us
Kay Newman
Hospitality/Culinary Arts Instructor
256.852.2170 ext 66610